Welcome to my professional network | PBO Legal Recruitment
Thank you so much for your visit to my blog and welcome to my professional network!
I hope you will be in touch, if you think that I can make a difference in your business and in your line of work.
You might have an overall knowledge of my business model and my business very close to my heart from this media and from the branch in general; however, you do not know me or my core business (yet). Therefore, I would like to welcome you with an introduction to my business.
I have experienced that the gap between virtual networking and a more tangible, down-to-earth networking – and thus a stronger relation – between me and my connections, candidates/future candidates and business connections is considerably diminished when providing information about my business . This is why I have always carefully welcomed new connections. It makes all the difference in the world – including in the long term.
Legal recruiter | situated in Denmark
I’m situated in Denmark and in my work as a recruiter, I mainly recruit candidates with competencies within law or financial economics, including such areas within the financial sector where both law and financial economics are interacting.
Recruitment is typically permanent employments, partnerships, agreements on consultancy, or employments based on interim agreements.
Please click this link to an introduction of me and my business, so that you, at your convenience, and if you are interested, can get more information of my main activities.
It might also be beneficial to you to watch the introduction video to PBO Juridisk Rekruttering.
As you will see, I mainly recruit lawyers/legal professionals (Master of Law and Master of Business Law); proficients in foreign language (legal or financial); property managers; administration managers; financial controllers; audit professionals; legal assistants, i.e. legal secretaries and legal bookkeepers, staff members etc.
I assist, among others, in recruiting to investment companies and estate management companies, law firms, and legal departments in group of companies situated in Jutland, Funen, Copenhagen and on Zealand and always have interesting projects and tasks in the pipeline.
I am often looking for senior lawyers, partner profiles, new partner and ownership constellations and/or cooperation constellations.
Currently I have several assignments where I am looking for independent lawyer partners incl. any employees (sole proprietorships, a majority of lawyers jointly or law firms) who see the benefit of establishing their own business or continuing operations under their own independent auspices in very well-founded law partnerships / partnerships.
The tasks in relation to Matchmaking are thus particularly interesting for those lawyers who either have plans to establish their own business or currently run an independent law firm.
The clients
Many of my clients are are well-established recognized law firms throughout Denmark and furthermore group of companies, e.g. the growth company 3C RETAIL A/S; Facit Bank; Semco Maritime A/S; Stibo Systems; MHI Vestas; Ernst & Young (EY); KVIK A/S, etc.
Fortunately, I can't tell the future og foresee the outcome of the next day in this busy little entrepreneurship, either which interesting profiles I am going to assist my clients in establishing a contact and a dialogue with or which interesting profiles register ind the database; therefore, I am always open to requests from candidates and clients regarding relevant projects in the pipeline, within their specialities and niche area; of course, vice versa apply to employers.
Recruitments/ assignments behind the scenes
In many cases, I do not post the positions. Instead, I recruit within my network and headhunt seeking after skills. However – wherever possible – I always strive to keep the below link updated so that my network can look through the recent correspondence and get an idea of relevant projects or other which they find relevant for a further dialogue.
For candidates
Please see link to an extract of the current assignments/ projects
but for info on tasks in pipeline and unpublished roles, then it is clearly easiest to stay informed when registering in the database.
You can also follow PBO's company site.
I try to keep the company site up to date with small short pitches about tasks "behind the scenes" and in pipeline.
If you find that one of the current positions could be interesting for a confidential dialogue, then feel free to get in touch with me.
You are welcome to send your CV, your wishes / preferences and your geographical reach - all in the usual full confidentiality, then I can also search for you/ your skills in my own database.
You can upload updated CV etc. here - candidatesite.
Then I can generally “keep an eye out” for exciting openings for you. All in full confidentiality and discretion!
I am always available for non-binding sparring and conversations with my network, including current candidates and future candidates, as well as employers who are looking for qualified, non-complicated and time-efficient assistance in increasing its staff.
If the above gives sense and is of value to you, do feel free to contact me for a confidential dialogue, if you wish me to assist you now – or in the future.
Thank you for your time so far and be safe in these strange unknown times:-)
Contact PBO
If you are a legal candidate, please upload your resume and an application/ cover letter to the candidatesite.
As always, I am at your disposal for a confidential dialogue and would like to elaborate on your inquiry - call +45 2332 9782.
If you have specific questions about any of the current positions or companies, you are welcome to contact me a any given time.
Contact Information | PBO Juridisk Rekruttering
PBO Legal Recruitment is always available for informal dialogue and guarantees 100% confidentiality, an intuitive, efficient and serious recruitment process - always focusing on the candidate's and employers' common goals and always thorough follow-up and proper ongoing briefing in the proces.

Følg gerne virksomheden på LinkedIn eller Facebook for newsfeed om spændende rekrutteringsopgaver, for interessante og relevante stillingsopslag i hele DK og for opdateringer og links til nyttig og essentiel viden om nyheder inden for: jura, formidling af fast ejendom, forsikringsret, revision og finansiering – altid med aktuelle kildehenvisninger, så vi sammen kan bygge vores “vidensbank” op.
Tjek løbende bloggen for info om seneste tiltag eller følg med på linket til aktuelle stillinger.

PBO Juridisk Rekruttering – “out of the box” legal recruiting – because it works!

Legal Recruiter | Founder & Headhunter | PBO Juridisk Rekruttering | Legal Headhunting | Executive Search | Matchmaking | Out of the box legal recruiting | Human Resources | Legal Staff | Law Talent
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